The Homer Cake

Just when I think our local baker can’t find possibly outdo the marvelous birthday cakes he made Sage in previous years, he finds a way. This year, Sage wanted a Homer Simpson cake. Instead of just putting a picture of Homer on a sheet cake, this is what Bob created:

Homer cake

The Homer cake in all its three dimensional glory

I have to confess that I’m dreading cutting this masterpiece–Homer is so vivid, it will feel like cartoon cannibalism–but Sage has no such qualms.

Sage and Homer cake

Sage and his new cake buddy

Although Sage DID call dibs on the “Doh”nut next to Homer’s head, I’m sure he’ll have no qualms about eating the rest of his new cake friend as well.

Little boys are fickle that way. Especially if their buddies are edible.

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