Monthly Archives: September 2015

Money Management for Third Graders

Sage’s friend Emery spent the entire weekend with us last week, and there was nary a dull moment (or a silent one) during the entire time. She taught me a valuable lesson about money management when she spent almost all her money ($4.00 in a little plastic purse) on candy at the Variety Store. I […]

A New and Exciting Way to Sweep Your Apples

Sage has embarked upon a new career (or at least a brief stint) as an inventor, and he wanted to show his adoring fans his new invention: an apple sweeper. Since our massive and overgrown apple trees had a bumper crop this year, resulting in a lot of bruised and/or worm eaten apples on the […]

Hating Day for Butterflies

“Hating day?” I asked incredulously. “Why do you have ‘Hating Day’ marked on your calendar?” “HATCHING day,” Sage explained with all the sanctimonious indignation a seven-year-old can muster. “That’s the day the butterfly will hatch out of its chrysalis.” His father had found a fat monarch caterpillar on the road a couple of days before. […]