Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Lonely Canna

I have to make a strange admission: There was a point during the spring when I was nervous about my garden being TOO neat. The squares and rows and straw-mulched paths were just what I’d always imagined an organic garden to be. And yet… Where was the space for wildness? For the seedlings that would […]

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

My aunt and grandma recently celebrated their birthdays, which fall within two days of each other. (My aunt was quite the birthday gift for my grandma!) I can’t say how old my aunt is–literally; I’m not sure exactly since her age froze in my mind when she was about 45, and she’s content to leave […]

The Garden’s Hidden Treasures

I finally got around to weeding the garden (a long overdue project) and was rewarded by more than just a few tomatoes and the occasional unharvested onion: I also found Minerva’s hidden nest. I’d been wondering why we get so few eggs lately, and part of the mystery was solved when I pulled away a […]

The Monarch Tree

The holiday season is still a good distance away–despite the Christmas sales creeping earlier every year, St. Nick has yet to hawk a good in any local department stores. Even so, I received an early Christmas gift: two great trees ornamented with weary monarchs. I first saw them two nights ago when I was walking […]

Mini Minerva

Although our beloved chicken Minerva went to the Great Coop in the Sky a couple of weeks ago, a doppelganger is rising to take her place: One of the chicks Sage and I raised this spring is looking more like Minerva every day. In fact, Sage remarked that she looked like she’d swallowed Minerva. We’d […]