Monthly Archives: January 2018

Small Dogs and Big Machines

On a recent visit to some good friends, Sage experienced a full range of Things That Delight Small Boys. Among them were a big machine… and a little dog… All in all, it was a very satisfying day, capped off with some sun-lit relaxation in a comfy chair that Sage’s fuzzy new pal graciously shared […]

Two Little Boys Unplugged

I’m pleased to report that Sage has a new BFF: a little boy who lives just a few miles away but, because he lives on the border of the neighboring school district, just transferred to Sage’s school this year. It was love–or the little boy equivalent, anyway–at first sight. Sage begged me to set up […]

Elegy for Emma

A few nights ago, there was an unexpected knock at the door. At first, I assumed that Paul had been on Amazon again. I thought it was odd for a delivery to be made so long past dark, but I opened the door fully expecting to sign for something. It wasn’t a deliveryman, though; it […]

An Unexpected View

This is a story for a new year: a combination of loss and epiphany—a beginning unfurling beyond an end. It starts on a hill, a steep descent where the road had been bordered by enwombing trees—a cool shady tunnel during the summer, a place where ferns and flowers nestled against the almost vertical edge on […]