Monthly Archives: January 2021

Emerging from the Flood

I was feeling hopeful when last I wrote. Yes, I’d had a difficult conversation with a friend. Yes, the divisions between us became painfully stark. Still, I thought, I’d listened. I’d showed her I cared about her and took her concerns seriously. I’d done my patriotic duty by trying to bridge the chasm between us. […]

Patriotic Duty

I will never be a soldier. I’ve heard so many horror stories about Boot Camp that, even if I DID have military inclinations, I would fail miserably. But I think there’s an equally important way I can serve my country right now: Listen. Listen to people with whom I disagree, try to find common ground, […]

A View from the Hill

Like so many of my fellow Americans, I’ve been marinating in a stew of fear and despair. I volunteered as a poll worker–I saw how carefully handled and well documented each ballot was–I came away from the experience with a new appreciation for my country. Yet a slurry of false election fraud accusations and gun-toting […]

Encased in Ice

The world is still frozen. The trees are encased in ice, and a heavy gray sky presses down on the landscape. It’s been this way since 2021 began. Here’s hoping for the return of the sun.

The Year as it Is, the Year as it Should Be

The first day of 2021 is continuing 2020’s bleakness; frost-laden branches offer glimmers of sullen beauty, but Nature seems in no mood to celebrate. The landscape’s nakedness is barely covered by a thin layer of snow; we had more snow in October than we’ve had for the last couple of months. But I’m grateful for […]