Monthly Archives: October 2015

Halloween Greetings from a Box Turtle

Unfortunately (read: “fortunately”), Sage’s elementary school forbade violent costumes, so his original soldier get-up was off the table. I was secretly grateful that I wouldn’t be obliged to pack him off to school bearing arms. Happily, Sage had another idea in mind for the school party: He would be a box turtle. Why a box […]

The Halloween Party

Halloween came early this year, and it conveniently chose a perfect Fall day for its arrival. Well, it wasn’t OFFICIALLY Halloween, but close enough. My friend Angie–who somehow finds time to host outstanding parties while raising three boys and running a business–held her annual Halloween party yesterday. The party’s arrival caught Paul and Sage off […]

The Birthday Walk

I took my first Birthday Walk last year, a long meandering journey through the back roads near my house. To be honest, it was more of a Birthday Escape than a Birthday Walk; I was feeling tired, overwhelmed, and unwilling to speak to anyone. But nobody could have remained cranky when brightly clad trees were […]

My GPS Tracker by Sage White Body

The following is an account of the brief but glorious career of Sage White Body’s homemade GPS Tracker, as related by the Inventor himself. (The brevity is due to the fact that the Tracker was made out of a yellow balloon and a black Sharpie marker, but hey, nothing’s perfect.)